Why Doing PR for SaaS is So Painful (O’Dwyer’s Article)
I recently had the privilege of writing an article that eventually ran in O’Dwyer’s November 2019 special issue on technology. O’Dwyer’s is the public relations & communications industry standard magazine.
The topic was one that I’ve been coming across more and more recently.
Hopefully you’ll find this useful:
Why Doing PR for SaaS is So Painful
Let’s be honest. In today’s age of content saturation, it’s getting harder to stand out from the crowd through public relations. Spamming press releases and pitches to reporters have all but made it impossible for most companies to get legitimate press coverage.
That trend is converging with another trend: the growth of software-as-a-service, commonly referred to as SaaS. In fact, SaaS—or the cloud, as it’s also sometimes referred to—has now become so much of our work and personal life that we don’t really think much about it any longer.
Moore’s law, or the notion that the number of transistors in a processor doubles every two years, has been broadened to also include the impact of continued growth of cheaper storage, faster networks and more technological adoption of devices such as smartphones. All this means that SaaS products continue to explode…